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Baby Boom Generation Redefining Senior Living, Industry Continuing to Expand

April 10th, 2015|Categories: CCRCs Insurance, Independent Living insurance, Property Insurance, Senior Living Insurance|Tags: , , |

The senior living industry has grown significantly over the last 20 years, expanding into different types of facilities, including assisted living facilities for those needing some level of care and nursing homes for seniors requiring [...]

Understanding TRIA and Terrorism Risk Insurance

January 12th, 2015|Categories: Industry News, Insurance Products, Niche Products, Property Insurance, Risk Management|Tags: |

On Jan. 8, 2015, Congress reauthorized the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), the federal terrorism risk insurance backstop. TRIA was allowed to expire on Dec. 31, 2014. The bill will be effective as soon as [...]

Managing a Multicultural Agency

December 17th, 2014|Categories: Employment Practices Liability, Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Industry News|

With today’s global economy and the growing ethnic and racial diversity found throughout the country, multicultural workplaces are becoming the norm for many agencies. Though diversity in the workplace is a positive thing, it can [...]

Can Health Insurance Rebates Affect Workers’ Comp Premiums?

November 25th, 2014|Categories: Employment Practices Liability, Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Workers' Compensation|Tags: , |

Since 2012, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has required insurers with a certain medical loss ratio (MLR) to issue a rebate to employers. Depending on the way the rebates are distributed, businesses may end up [...]

Obesity and Workers' Compensation Costs

November 10th, 2014|Categories: Employment Practices Liability, Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Insurance Rates, Risk Management, Worker Safety, Workers' Compensation|Tags: |

A study conducted by the Duke University Medical Center found that obese workers file twice as many workers’ compensation claims, were absent from work 13 more days from a work-related injury and had seven times [...]

Halloween Safety Tips for Homes and Businesses

October 28th, 2014|Categories: Apartments, Employment Practices Liability, Property Insurance, Risk Management|Tags: , , |

Halloween is in a few days, and many home and business owners don't realize the risks associated with the holiday. Ghosts and goblins won't do nearly as much damage as an injured child or a [...]