Climate Change

/Tag:Climate Change

Insurers Weighing in on Climate Change, Impact on Insurance

The third U.S. National Climate Assessment report was recently released along with an announcement by the Obama Administration of a series of executive actions to take place  “to reduce carbon pollution, prepare the country for the impacts of climate change, and lead international efforts to address global climate change.” Regardless of one’s view in the [...]

Population in Coastal Areas Still Growing Despite Extreme Weather Risks

Hurricane Sandy was the most recent example of the devastating havoc Mother Nature can wreak on coastal communities. But that isn’t stopping people from moving along the shore and building from taking place. In fact, recent estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Census Bureau shows that our already-crowded coast will see population grow [...]

Extreme Weather Conditions Put Spotlight on Coastal Properties & Increased Exposures

Hurricane Sandy’s destruction along the Jersey Shore and the wreckage it left behind underscores the exposures properties face so close to the coast. Now many are rethinking the development that has taken place along the Shore over the last two decades and whether changes should be made to coastal land-use regulations and building codes. What’s more, the [...]